

For over thirty years, the 堪萨斯城大都会合唱团 has delighted, educated, and inspired audiences with its diverse repertoire of choral music.

Founded originally as a community chorus, the musicians merged in 1998 with Metropolitan 社区 College to create a "town and gown" ensemble. 这个不断进化的群体 approximately fifty singers perform everything from Cole Porter to Beethoven, frequently sharing the stage with other ensembles and soloists.

在博士的指导下. 丽贝卡·约翰逊, the chorale has performed throughout Missouri and from coast to coast, including performances with the San Diego Symphony, for Independence Day Celebrations in Washington DC, and for the Missouri Music Educators Convention. The chorale made its international debut in 2006 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Vox Luminis

Cornerstone to the Metropolitan Chorale is the select ensemble, Vox Luminis. 建立了 in 2008 as a lecture/recital ensemble, this group of ten to twelve voices quickly became known and loved for their "shimmery musicality".

Lectures and performances have ranged from masterworks of the Renaissance to 20th Century American composers, with even a bit of rock and roll thrown in. 而 lecture/recital format is still a favorite of the ensemble, they have recently inaugurated the popular new "Friends and Family" series.

In addition to performing with the Metropolitan Chorale, Vox Luminis can be found performing at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Powell Gardens, the Simpson House, and other charming venues throughout the city.



The 堪萨斯城大都会合唱团 is open to college students and community members of all ages by audition and interview.


试镜s are held the first two weeks of each college semester. 它们可以被安排 through the conductor, the chorale manager, or by coming to one of the first two rehearsals. The audition will consist of singing a simple warm-up and a simple piece such as America 美丽的售票员. A prepared piece is welcome but not necessary. 阅读 music, while a great asset, is not a requirement.


The interview will be conducted with the audition and will discuss expectations, season 日程安排和演唱会服装.


社区 Members pay a $25 membership fee per semester. 申请学分的学生必须 enroll in choir through 十大娱乐彩票平台-Blue河 and pay the standard tuition for the credit 小时. 可能会有奖学金. 欲了解更多信息,请联系博士. 约翰逊 丽贝卡.johnson@500hudson.com 或拨打816.604.6508.


博士联系. 约翰逊在 丽贝卡.johnson@500hudson.com 或拨打816.604.6508.


Often noted for their keen sense of ensemble blend with joyous spirit, the Metropolitan Chorale of Kansas City and Vox Luminis are reflective of the unique musical background 他们的指挥,博士. 丽贝卡·约翰逊. Assuming the leadership position in 1998, 约翰逊 combines extensive instrumental and choral skills with a love of music education and history resulting in an ensemble and repertoire as varied and unique as the conductor 自己.

约翰逊 holds a bachelor's from the University of Northern Colorado, a master's from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, and a doctorate from the Conservatory of Music at the University of Missouri Kansas City. Those with whom 约翰逊 has studied include Eugene Corporon博士. Ryan Board博士. 查尔斯·罗宾逊博士. 霍华德·斯金纳博士. 约翰 巴克纳,博士. Robert Olson, Suzanne Jauvenout and Dr. 沃尔特。史密斯.

In 2009, 约翰逊 assumed the podium for the Sacred Arts Chorale of Central Theological 神学院. Off the podium, 约翰逊 serves as Coordinator of Music for 十大娱乐彩票平台/蓝色的河, and Director for Sacred Arts for Central Theological 神学院. 此外,Dr。. 约翰逊 can be found providing lectures for the Lyric Opera of Kansas City, serving on various 登机,到处旅行.




Often noted for their keen sense of ensemble blend with joyous spirit, the Metropolitan Chorale of Kansas City is reflective of the unique musical background of their conductor, Dr. 丽贝卡·约翰逊. Assuming the leadership position in 1998, 约翰逊 combines extensive instrumental and chorale skills with a love of music education and history resulting in an ensemble and repertoire as varied and unique as the conductor 自己.

Amy's interest in music began with her first solo performance at the age of 8. 当 she was 11 years old she composed her first song, which received state-wide recognition for Grand Prize in a music writing competition. She was again awarded this recognition 13岁和17岁的时候. While in junior high Amy discovered that she enjoyed accompanying choirs as well, and she quickly developed a passion for music as she continued to sing, play the piano, accompany, compose and arrange.

Currently Amy is a mother of four and enjoys staying involved in music as much as time allows and sings frequently with her family. She has been a member of the Metropolitan Chorale of Kansas City since 2005 and is coordinator of Metro Pops, a small group of singers from within the large ensemble who go out in to various places in the community to perform and represent the Chorale.